Public facilities
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Liability risk management
We appreciate the successful provision of public facilities is a key role in your organisation and a measure of your engagement with the community. The type of facilities can be somewhat varied according to your location, population demographics, available funding and resources.
You may have facilities under your care and control such as:
- Recreational facilities (sporting and leisure)
- Outdoor recreational areas (passive and active parks and reserves)
- Indoor (including gyms, halls, clubrooms and leisure centres)
- Community service facilities (including aged care and child care)
- Venues available for hire
- Administration and civic facilities
Whether your facility is a proposed project or fully operational, we can offer liability risk management assistance in a number of areas, including:
- Public risk considerations including at concept and design stage
- Site risk assessments
- Managing potentially conflicting activities and uses
- Appropriate land use options
- Emergency response planning
For more information please contact the risk and governance services team on 08 9483 8888