WorkCare protection
On behalf of all WA local governments, the Scheme administers the employer's liability under the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 (WA) and compliance with all WorkCover WA self-insurer regulations.
Under this one-of-a-kind arrangement in WA, all local governments within the State are considered to be self-insurers meaning you are exempted from the requirements to have a conventional workers' compensation policy.
Instead of relying on a typical insurer to manage your claims and having very little control of them, being a part of the self-insurance arrangement means that you are the owner of the Scheme. LGIS works with every member to manage claims to ensure you have been consulted with and agreed on the outcomes before finalisation.
Scheme Cover
As a Scheme member, you are covered in accordance with the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 (WA) including unlimited common law cover. The Scheme provides cover for:
- Pooled cover up to $500,000 – indexed any one claim/event
- Indemnity cover (unlimited) in excess of $500,000
- Journey injury cover: an added Scheme benefit that is not generally covered by conventional workers compensation policies. Local governments workers are covered by the Scheme should an accident occur whilst a worker is travelling to and from the workplace. If required, lodge a journey injury claim.
Claims Management
LGIS has a dedicated team of experienced consultants managing your claims, so they are handled with efficiency and sensitivity to achieve positive outcomes. For claims where legal counsel is required, LGIS uses experts specialised in workers' compensation to provide advice wherever appropriate.
To ensure the efficient management of all workers' compensation claims, we require you to provide us with the necessary information through the duration of a claim.
For local governments who participate in the performance-based contribution system, your cost of cover correlates with its claims experience, providing opportunity for direct financial rewards from implementing effective risk management initiatives and injury management processes. To view how your local government is tracking against other performance-based members, please view your claim profile.