

Research show us that all employees can be exposed to risks to their mental health at work. However, unlike physical hazards (e.g. exposure to asbestos), which are only present for specific roles, mental health risks exist in every industry and job. Prevention is better than cure.

Workplace behaviours (3hr)

The aim of this workshop is for LG employees to be informed of their legal and duty of care requirements within a LG context. The workshop will provide information on key areas of conduct in the workplace and measures to prevent, manage and respond to bullying, discrimination and harassment.

Dealing with difficult behaviours (3hr)

Interacting with the community on a daily basis can be rewarding, but also can bring its challenges when behaviours are inappropriate/aggressive/disrespectful etc. When challenging behaviours occur, it can often cause distress and uncertainty. This workshop will boost knowledge and self-assurance in managing challenging behaviours for LG staff that have frequent contact with rate payers, members of the public, patrons and the wider community.

Psychosocial hazards in the workplace (2hr)

Psychosocial hazards are aspects in the design, delivery and management of work that increases risks of work related stress. It is crucial to identify and manage psychosocial hazards as it can have an adverse impact on workers and businesses. This session aims to increase participants' understanding of psychosocial hazards in the workplace through a risk management approach.

Team development opportunities

Need to support a team with navigating chane, conflict, team care or cohesion? We are able to support you with designing an opportunity to support this journey.

Psychosocial risk management support

According to the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act), employers and PCBUs (Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking) must adhere to a continuous risk management process to eliminate or mitigate (where elimination is not possible) any psychosocial hazards present in the workplace. This risk management process involves a perpetual four-step method that enables PCBUs to identify, establish level of risk, control these risks, and review control measures regularly.

LGIS can support members throughout this process. We can provide support and resources that will enable LGs to identify hazards, assess risks, control hazards, and review controls within the workplace.

Examples of when to utilise LGIS risk management support:

The City of XYZ is a large Local Government experiencing a sudden increase in employee turnover, a decrease in productivity, and a rise in the number of employee complaints related to stress and workplace conflict. Management is concerned about the negative impact on both individual employees' mental health and overall company performance. They suspect that an unhealthy workplace culture fosters stress and interpersonal conflicts.

Seeking assistance:

  • Identify psychosocial hazards: LGIS will help the LG identify specific issues contributing to the unhealthy workplace culture. They suspect factors like poor leadership, a lack of conflict resolution mechanisms, and an overwhelming workload.
  • Assess the risks: LGIS will assist with establishing the level of risk each hazard poses. This will determine which hazards are prioritised in the control phase of the risk management approach.
  • Develop control measures: LGIS will support the shire to develop control measures that will eliminate or reduce risks. This includes suggesting leadership training, conflict resolution programs, work-design, and workload management.
  • Regularly Rrview and monitor: LGIS will emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and review of these control measures to ensure they are effective in reducing psychosocial risks.

Get started:

Reach out to the people risk team to see how we can support you with psychosocial risk management within your LG on 9483 8888 or
