People risk resources
People risk resources
Critical incident debriefing (CID)
Safety & Wellbeing Toolbox
These resources help local government's meet their duty of care and make sure that their people know how to manage common risks and look after their own personal wellbeing. These resources can be implemented into regular toolbox meetings, at your discretion.
The resources provided are an A4 information sheet which can be used for discussion, and A3 posters which can be used to raise awareness around your workplace.
There are over ten resources scheduled to be released in 2024:
- Manual Task Awareness A4
- Manual Task Awareness A3 Poster
- Hydration A4
- Hydration A3 Poster
- Urine Colour Chart A3 Poster
- Exercise A4
- Exercise A3 Poster
- Sun Smart A4
- Sun Smart A3 Poster
- Noise Management A4
- Machine Ergonomics A4
- Machine Ergonomics A3 Poster
- Top 10 Tips for staying mentally healthy A4
- Top 10 Tips for staying mentally health A3 poster
Take 5 handbooks
The Take 5 handbook is a tool to encourage your workers to stop and think about the job they are about to do to ensure they can do it safely. Whether working in the depot, in the recreation centre or out on the road, the Take 5 is a great way to reinforce the importance of safety for each and every job. To get your complimentary take 5 handbooks, contact a member of our People risk Team on 08 9483 8888.
Please note: Maximum 300 books per calendar year/per member. Additional books (over and above the 300 allocation) will attract a cost to cover printing and postage expenses.
Tier 1 Toolkit
Whether it is geographical remoteness, a lack of resources, or some other issue, we recognise the challenges facing our smaller members, (generally FTE < 30). To assist these members with their OSH, we have developed the Tier 1 Toolkit (pdf).
Designed to assist you develop and implement safety processes, this toolkit should be seen as the first step in improving your safety processes, with a view to introduce new policies, procedures and processes as issues are identified.
This complimentary toolkit contains 5 action sheets focusing on:
- Taking responsibility
- Communicating with your workers
- Managing hazards and developing procedures
- Training and supervising your workers
- Reporting safety
Available in the toolkit are forms and templates to assist you to manage the safety of your workers. These include:
- Form 1 OSH Policy (pdf)
- Form 2 OSH responsibilities (pdf)
- Form 3 Safety discussion record (pdf)
- Form 4 Hazard report form (pdf)
- Form 5 Safety checklist – slips, trips and falls (pdf)
- Form 6 Safety checklist – first aid and emergencies (pdf)
- Form 7 Safety checklist – electrical equipment (pdf)
- Form 8 Safety checklist – manual tasks (pdf)
- Form 9 Safety checklist - plant and equipment (pdf)
- Form 10 Safety checklist – chemicals (pdf)
- Form 11 Task identification checklist
- Form 12 Sample safe work procedure (pdf)
- Form 13 Safe work procedure template (pdf)
- Form 14 Training record form (pdf)
- Form 15 Induction record form (pdf)
- Form 16 Training needs assessment (pdf)
- Form 17 Task observation checklist (pdf)
- Form 18 Hazard and incident reporting procedure (pdf)
- Form 19 Incident report form (pdf)
- Form 20 When to report injuries and disease to Worksafe WA (pdf)
For a complimentary hard copy of the Tier 1 toolkit (pdf), please contact a member of our OSH Team on 08 9483 8888.