Risk management
Risk management is cornerstone to the success of good corporate governance and ensuring a safer workplace and community.
We have been working for over 20 years exclusively with Western Australian Local Governments and as a result we have developed a specific understanding of the underlying risks and requirements for you as a sector.
LGIS works with the sector, regions and you individually to assist in making informed decisions on all areas of uncertainty that may impact your ability to successfully deliver risk management strategies and objectives. We do this through providing comprehensive and tailored risk, governance, safety and wellbeing solutions that are aligned with relevant legislation and standards requirements. Our support and assistance is founded on a deep understanding of your needs and applicable known, topical, evolving and emerging risks to WA Local Government.
By taking an integrated, structured, supported and embedded approach to risk management, you benefit from:
- Increased confidence in decision making
- Increased certainty of achieving strategies, objectives and goals
- Improved workplace safety and morale
- Enhanced governance, compliance and assurance
- Cost effectiveness and improved budget control
- Better managed resources and workflows, with less re-work
- Reduced potential for litigation and claims
- Meeting stakeholder expectations and attracting and retaining quality people
Fundamental to the continuing success of your self-insurance scheme is each local government's ability to manage its exposure to risk. A broad range of risk management support programs are available:
- Human resources risk management
- Health and wellbeing program
- Injury management
- Emergency and business continuity management
- Property risk management
- Organisational risk management
- Liability risk management
- Occupational safety and health
Risk and Safety Management Advisory Groups
Have you ever wondered what other local governments are doing to embed risk and safety management practices, how they approach common and complex problems or have already developed practical solutions to issues that you may be facing? If yes, we facilitate a range of forums throughout WA that aims to share ideas, highlight good practices and inform members of trends. Examples of these forums in both metropolitan and regional locations include:
- Risk Management Advisory Group - Bi-monthly
- Local Government Safety Advisory Group - Bi-monthly
- Avon / Central Midlands Risk and Occupational Safety and Health Management Advisory Group (ROSHMAG) - Quarterly
- Regional Works Managers Conferences
- South West Occupational Safety and Health Forum - Quarterly
- South West Risk Management Forum - Quarterly
- Great Southern Risk and Safety Forum - Annually
- Midwest Risk and Governance Day - Annually
- Great Eastern Wheatbelt Safety Advisory Group - Quarterly
For more information or if you’d like to establish a working group in your region please contact the risk and governance team, occupational safety and health team or your regional risk coordinator.