
Membership information

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LGIS continues to provide exceptional value to its Western Australian Local Government members through its sector focussed protection, broad range of risk management services and member distributions.

The LGISWA annual financial report outlines the financial performance and position of WA Local Governments own self-insurance scheme; the pooled fund and mutual scheme comprising of Liability, WorkCare, Property, and Bushfire Volunteers Personal Accident programs.

WA Local Governments effort and commitment to work together continues to enable local governments across WA to achieve greater security and certainty in managing risk while sharing in the beneficial outcomes.

LGISWA 2023 Reports

More transparency with a new format

Readers will note that this year's report is different from previous years. For the first time LGISWA provides members with two reports providing an overview of our activity and achievements in the 2022/23 financial year. These reports should be read in conjunction with each other.


  • 2023 The Year in Review
  • 2023 Annual Financial Report

This new format provides even greater transparency on our operations and finances. We have moved from using a special purpose report for our financial results, and will use general purpose reporting standards this year.

The reader should note that the terms LGIS and LGISWA are used interchangeably in this document. LGISWA is the business name of the WA local government mutal indemnity scheme which trades as LGIS.

Please make sure that you're logged into the website BEFORE clicking on the links below.

Trust deed and S​cheme rules

The LGIS self-insurance Scheme is managed with sound commercial acumen, financial controls and efficient management. A trust deed sets out the structural arrangements of the Scheme and the Scheme rules directs the rights and obligations of you the members relating to operational matters. ​

Website access

2022 Member Renewal Surveys

Your annual membership renewal surveys will be available in early February. These online surveys ask specific questions to provide updated information – like any changes to your risk profile, acquisitions and disposals, adoption or cessation of processes or systems. 

Renewal survey downloads

Before clicking on ANY of the links below make sure that you have logged into the LGIS website. You MUST be logged into the website to download the documents listed below.

Please familiarise yourself with the two guides before starting your 2022/23 LGIS Membership Renewal Declartion. The two guides provide members with detailed information on accessing and completeing the surveys.

Use the links listed below to download a copy of the surveys. These can be shared with others at your local government to assist you in completing the renewal declaration.

IMPORTANT: The completed PDF's can not be submitted as your declaration. The information MUST be entered into the online form to be submitted.

Part 1: LGIS Cyber Protection

Part 2: General Liability

Part 3: Financial Protection

Part 4: Asset Protection

Part 5: People Protection

