Managing the return to work process
A Return to Work Program (RTWP) is a document that matches the medical restrictions and recommendations made by an injured worker’s treating practitioner with the duties and tasks available in the workplace. In the first instance, the aim of the program is to return the injured worker to their pre-injury hours and duties as quickly and safely as possible.
There are a number of key factors that, when implemented, can result in timely and durable return to work outcomes. For more information see our top tips for managing Return to Work.
General Practitioners (GPs) play a key role in a worker's recovery following an injury, and in collaborating with other key stakeholders for a positive return to work. We have developed the guide, supporting your patient's return to work to assist GPs with navigating the return to work process. There is also a one page quick reference contact details form for ease in communication between GPs and their injured patient's local government employer.
When is a Return to Work Program required?
You are required to develop a formal (written) RTWP for a worker when the medical practitioner:
- Advises the employer in writing that a RTWP should be established for the worker
- Signs a medical certificate indicating that the worker has partial capacity to return to work
- Signs a medical certificate indicating that the worker has total capacity to return to work but for some reason is not able to return to the position held immediately prior to injury
Return to work program development
Please refer to the guide below, the RTWP template and the following pages in the LGIS injury management manual to assist you with developing a RTWP.
Should further advice or assistance be required please contact the LGIS injury management team:
Email: imconsultant@lgiswa.com.au