Workforce Upskilling
Upskilling your workforce plays a key part in reducing risks. Providing the skills to workers in dealing with day to day people issues can help to minimise stress and unproductive behaviours in the workplace. This in turn helps to maximise productivity, foster good morale and create a safer workplace for everyone.
LGIS offers a range of interactive workshops for members to support your workforce in a number of different areas.
These workshops are Scheme funded and available to all members.
People Risk Workshops
This workshop aims to increase participants knowledge and reduce stigma around mental health. Understanding mental health in the workplace not only improves the well-being of workers but reduces the likelihood of a psychological injury.
Workplaces with resilient workers will have more success in managing and responding to adversity. Resilience is a skill that can be developed and improved. This workshop aims to enhance emotional and cognitive resilience.
Mentally healthy workplace (3hr)
This workshop provides an opportunity to explore the Promote, Prevent, Intervene, and Support Recovery model in relation to driving a mentally health workplace.
Workplace behaviours (3hr)
The aim of this workshop is for LG workers to be informed of their legal and duty of care requirements within a LG context. The workshop will provide information on key areas of conduct in the workplace and measures to prevent, manage and respond to the varying type of behavioural issues.
Interacting with the community on a daily basis can be rewarding, but can bring its challenges when behaviours are inappropriate/aggressive/disrespectful. When challenging behaviours occur, it can often cause distress and uncertainty. This workshop will boost participant's knowledge and self-assurance in managing challenging behaviours. Ideal for any LG staff that have frequent contact with rate payers, members of the public, patrons and the wider community.
Psychosocial hazards are aspects in the design, delivery and management of work that increases risks of work related anxiety. It is crucial to identify and manage psychosocial hazards as it can have an adverse impact on workers and businesses. This session aims to increase participants' understanding of psychosocial hazards in the workplace through a risk management approach.
People leaders often find themselves at the forefront of workplace conflicts. Whether it's interdepartmental disputes, team friction, or employee disagreements, conflict resolution skills are essential for effective leadership. This session aims to recognise practical skills for people leaders.
WHS Workshops
WHS Roles and responsibilities
Provide information for participants around legislation. Covering duty of care and legislative principles for all roles and responsibilities in your local government. This session looks at real case studies to highlight the important role that all workers play in making sure that the workplace is safe environment.
Effective contractor management
Like all businesses, the risks that contractors pose to your organisation can never be underestimated. To ensure your workers have the necessary knowledge and skills to manage contractors, we provide tailored workshops on contractor management, aligned with your internal policies and procedures.
Managing volunteers
How can local government's meet their duty of care when managing volunteers? This workshop covers WHS obligations and the practices that LGIS members can put in place to make sure their valued volunteers come home safe.
To book a session for your team or for more information contact LGIS People Risk Team at peoplerisk@lgiswa.com.au or call 9483 8888