Event risks
You may provide any or all of the following services for events within your community:
- Delivery of events to your community
- Event approvals, compliance and enforcement activities
- Provide venues, open space, plant, equipment, staff or volunteers for events
- Sponsor or provide support for events to occur within your community
Due to the varying size, type, nature and locations of events a multitude of risks may arise. Depending on your involvement there may be an associated ownership and responsibility for some of these risks.
We have a unique combination of event, risk management and risk financing skills that allow us to provide an understanding of those risks enabling you to deliver, approve, facilitate and support safe, suitable and quality events within your communities.
We can assist you to understand the potentially confusing requirements and stakeholder roles for events through delivering training, capacity building, event risk management plan facilitation and review services. While services are tailored to your needs, typically we provide the following event risk management services:
- Defining ‘what is an event?’
- Clarifying your role in the delivery, approval and/or sponsorship of events
- Determining how much time, effort and resources should be directed to the management, approval, compliance and enforcement functions for an event
- Understanding your statutory obligations for events
- How to identify and manage additional risks when undertaking discretionary services for events
- Preparing event risk management plans and emergency management plans that align with relevant risk management standards and reflect best practice
- How to understand and interpret an event risk management plan
- Supporting your local event managers and community groups to meet your requirements
- Advice and guidance on types and adequacy of event insurance requirements including LCIS
For more information please contact the risk and governance services team on 08 9483 8888.