Guiding legislation
LGIS is committed to working with you to achieve a safe and healthy work environment for your workers and prevent work-related illness and injury. In the event that an illness or injury is sustained by one of your workers, we are committed to ensuring the worker is provided with injury management support services to promote recovery and facilitate a timely and durable return to work.
A key purpose of the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (The Act) is to provide for the management of work-related injuries in a manner that is directed at enabling injured workers to return to suitable and sustainable work. Injury management provisions in The Act are supported by the Workers’ Compensation Code of Practice (Injury Management)2005 (The Code), which has the status of subsidiary legislation under the section 155A (4) of The Act.
Relevant legislation includes, but is not limited to:
Should further advice or assistance be required please contact your LGIS injury management team:
Email: imconsultant@lgiswa.com.au