Climate change adaptation planning
We will help you understand the unavoidable impacts of climate variation which may include:
- Loss of amenity and function of land
- Increased emergency management responses to events
- Loss of natural environment
- Development and planning concerns along coastal and low lying areas
- Increased demand for health services especially within vulnerable community members
- Asset management issues for sites vulnerable to exposures
Variation in our climate is a strategic risk that you face with projected impacts that will cut across all areas of your responsibilities. There is also an added expectation that you should already be considering these impacts in your strategic planning, development, infrastructure and community decisions.
Historically the response to climate change has been mitigation (i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions), led by international, national and state processes. It is now apparent that you also need to adapt to climate change, with adaptation planning being most effective at that regional / local level, reducing your vulnerability whilst capitalising on any opportunities.
We utilise the risk management process to allow you to anticipate, understand, prioritise and adapt to your local conditions, this includes:
- Interpreting relevant and credible international, national, state, regional and local scientific climate change data to determine local climate change scenarios
- Assistance to understand your strategies, services and functional areas that may be impacted by climate change
- Providing education and awareness on climate change issues, impacts and expectations
- Identifying and assessing the risks and vulnerabilities of climate change scenarios to your functions
- For unacceptable risks, identifying adaptation options that align to your strategic direction
For more information please contact the risk and governance services team on 9483 8888.