
Non-scheme cover

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In addition to the LGIS Scheme coverage for workers compensation, public liability, professional indemnity, property, and bushfire volunteers, local governments have access, through LGIS insurance broking, to a wide range of insurance products, including but not limited to:


Construction risks

Covers damage to buildings and other works during construction, renovation or extension, as well as liability for third party damage.


Inpatriat medical insurance

Covers medical expenses of inpatriated employees of the insured including their accompanying spouses and dependent children. This cover is beneficial for employees working on a 457 visa.

Event cancellation

Covers financial loss resulting from an event being cancelled, postponed, abandon or curtailed due to an insured peril, which is outlined of the control of the event organiser and the event participants.



Marine hull

Covers physical loss of or damage to hulls, machinery, swimming platforms etc, caused by perils such as fire, explosion and perils of the sea.





