Importance of attending appointments with the injured worker Back

​Attending a medical appointment or case conference with an injured worker is an important element of managing a workplace injury. These meetings provide an opportunity for all parties to plan the return to work (RTW), align expectations and address barriers. Examples of how each party can positively contribute to the medical appointment are outlined below.

Injured worker:

  • Report any changes in capacity – both positive and negative
  • Discuss current symptoms and how these are being managed
  • Provide details of duties/tasks that might be possible to incorporate as part of the return to work program
  • Update the doctor/employer with the progress from allied health treatment sessions, such as the physiotherapy or psychologist

Employer/supervisor/RTW coordinator/workplace rehabilitation provider:

  • Discuss options for workplace modifications to facilitate/progress a return to work
  • Provide details of duties/tasks that might be possible to incorporate as part of the return to work program
  • Identify strategies that may be put in place within the work environment to maintain a safe and productive return to work
  • Ensure that the recommendations discussed at the medical review are in place in time for the commencement of the return to work program

Treating doctor:

  • Provide recommendations regarding the injured workers capacity to work for development of a return to work program
  • Request future case conference appointments to discuss the case as required and answer any questions as they arise
  • Discuss timeframes for recovery in line with the duties provided by the employer/injured worker
  • Explain the nature of the injury and refer for relevant investigations/allied health services etc.
  • Offer ongoing support to facilitate the injured workers recovery

The LGIS injury management team is committed to working with you to apply an integrated and holistic approach to managing injuries in the workplace. 
