Are you reviewing how you manage liability risk exposures in 2024? LGIS' risk management guides make it easy with a step by step process.
LGIS has developed four risk management guides based on the most common areas that can be complex and challenging for members, giving rise to a large number or major claims.
Each and every one of our members are responsible for a significant tree population in their area. On top of this the majority also have plans to increase their urban canopy. It's not surprising then that tree related claims account for nearly one third of all liability claims received by LGIS.
We partnered with the Arbor Centre to develop the second edition of the LGIS Tree Risk Management Guide which outlines local government duties in relation to trees and provides an easy to understand step-by-step guide to develop and implement a tree management guide.
With members responsible for the installation and management of thousands of kilometres of footpaths across the state it's unsurprising that LGIS has received over 600 claims in the last five financial years. At a cost in excess of $1.2 M there's scope for savings for both members and the Scheme by making sure that there is a consistent and proactive approach to pathway management across the sector.
The Footpath Risk Management Guide provides a clear and practical process to identify, assess, and control pathway risks. The Guide also looks at how liability exposures can be reduced through good design and construction of new pathway assets.
Contracts are an essential part of local government operations and come in varying forms of complexity and type, from the construction of a major asset or supply of stationery, contracts are part of day-to-day operations. They can create unexpected risks to members if not managed well.
The LGIS Contracts Risk Guide outlines, in plain English, key areas including risk transfer, type of contract, and recommended practice for contracts. This guide has been developed with careful consideration of the issues that give rise to claims and how to improve claims defence.
Waste management, inherently, has much higher risks than other industries and certainly other services offered by local government organisations. In recent years there have been major incidents and losses associated with the operation of waste facilities.
Written by a local government specialist, the Waste Management Risk Guide outlines a practical approach asset and liability risk management. It addresses the key issues that we've seen within member operations and provides a framework to adopt a consistent approach across the sector.
All of our risk management guides can be found on the liability risk management page of this website.
For more information on these guides or how LGIS can support members in identifying and managing their liability exposures contact the Liability Risk Team