Free webinar: Mental health awareness on World Mental Health Day, 10 October Back

​World Mental Health Day provides a timely reminder to reflect on your organisation's practices, policies and strategies to create a psychologically safe and healthy workplace.

LGIS is providing all members with a webinar to help raise awareness about mental health issues, which is available to all local government employees. This webinar has been funded by the LGIS Health and Wellbeing program.

At LGIS, we have received 243 worker's compensation claims in the last five years (2019-2023) relating to psychological injuries, costing us more than $1.7M. 

Psychological injuries, which are on average 45% more expensive per claim than musculoskeletal injuries, are on the rise.

As part of our wellbeing program, LGIS is organising a free webinar to help members raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing, which is available to all local government employees. The webinar aims to help participants to identify actions which cause negativity in their lives and show the benefits of being positive. Coping strategies such as random acts of kindness, the benefits of movement, sleep and nutrition will be discussed to enable participants to understand how they can influence an individual's ability to cope with modern life.

LGIS has partnered with one of our preferred wellbeing providers to offer this wellbeing initiative to our scheme members.

Date and time: 10 October 2023 @ 10am – 11am

Register HERE

*This webinar is available to all members and can be distributed to your workforce*

**LGIS will record and distribute the webinar for one month following the session**

As part of the Safe Work Month, WorkSafe WA is also organising a forum on psychosocial hazards on Thursday 12 October 2023. This event is free and will bring together a range of industry experts to discuss topics around mental health and psychosocial hazards that can affect workplace health and safety. To participate online in the forum, please register HERE.

For more information on the LGIS webinar, please get in touch with our WorkCare Services Manager, James Larkin on 0419 355 943 or email 

For advice and support on people safety and health and wellbeing contact the LGIS team:

