Water slides: are your facilities safe enough? Back

​School holidays are over but there's still plenty of summer left and local government aquatic facilities are incredibly busy. One of the most popular attractions at many member facilities is the water slide and WorkSafe has provided a timely update on safety requirements.

The bulletin contains information about the importance of correct installation procedure, design and operation instructions, and maintenance and inspection requirements.

From 2014-2023 LGIS received 107 aquatic claims, with waterside injuries being in the top 10.

Local governments have a duty of care to members of the public using aquatic facilities, ensuring that all reasonable measures are taken to protect health and safety.

Members should make sure that they understand the requirements, and if identified, address gaps as outlined in the safety bulletin.

When operated for hire or reward, water slides are items of plant classified as amusement devices under the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS).

Water slides are exempt from the requirement to register plant or its design under the WHS General Regulations. However, as amusement devices, water slides must be maintained, inspected and tested as necessary and undergo an annual inspection at least once every 12 months.

For more information, please contact our risk services team or regional risk coordinator.
