New job dictionary resources Back

We are pleased to announce the LGIS injury prevention team have completed 32 job dictionaries - available now to all members on our website (please note you must be logged in to view and access).

Job dictionaries are a valuable tool for any organisation, providing stakeholders with an understanding of the specific job tasks and inherent requirements of a job role.

You've likely seen many articles in which we wax lyrical about the benefits of job dictionaries. This is because they can be used throughout an employee's lifecycle, including:

  • During the pre-employment process when looking to determine the appropriateness of a candidate against the inherent requirements of the role.
  • Tailoring of injury prevention programs to the physical and psychological requirements and demands of the role, and
  • Identifying suitable duties in establishing a return to work program for injured workers.

You can use these job dictionaries as a baseline document, or to complement existing job dictionary reports.

Each job dictionary contains the following:

  • A summary cover sheet
  • Musculoskeletal risk matrix
  • Psychological demands matrix
  • Manual task images

There is also a user manual linked on the website, which explains the project, job roles, and how to understand the risk matrixes for both physical and psychological risks.

For more information, please contact the LGIS injury prevention team on or 9483 8876.
