Trees – manage the risk with LGIS’ new guide Back

​The tree risk management guide is part of our series of liability and property management guides to support members in managing their important assets. 

This resource provides a general guide to effectively manage tree-related risks and associated costs. The guide has been developed in conjunction with members and advice from Arbor Centre to assist members in addressing a range of common issues associated with tree claims.

You can access the guide HERE.

Approximately one third of all claims made to LGIS liability involve trees. Although the value of most claims is relatively small, collectively they are considerable. Trees, if not managed and resourced appropriately, can also present reputational risk for local government. Additionally, claims management may require resources for investigations, case administration, court appearances and related expenses.

Safer communities and less claims

Under relevant legislation, local governments are vested with responsibility and control of certain pieces of land. Local governments should make good decisions and implement reasonable measures to mitigate the risks associated with the land, ensuring the risk is as low as reasonably practicable. Trees in local government-controlled land may pose various levels of risk, including property damage, injury, and in extreme circumstances death; therefore, it is crucial that local governments have appropriate controls in place to manage and mitigate such risks.

Top five contributing factors being branch/debris, uneven surface, tree roots, road surface/potholes, and insufficient maintenance.

LGIS has also launched its new Continuous Improvement Pathways (CIP) for the management of trees and footpaths. The information gathered in the CIP will improve your claims defence, drive down the cost of claims and contribute to the sustainability of the Scheme.

For more information on how to manage your assets, please contact your account manager or regional risk coordinator.
