Working from home, getting your head in the game

Across Australia offices are closing and staff are working from home. For many people this is a big change, especially if they're used to a '9 to 5' in an office environment with all of the routine that it brings.

We've put together a few helpful tips to successfully make the transition to working from home.

1. Get ready for 'the office'

This is the number one tip from anyone who's successfully worked from home. The association you make between work and an office can make you more productive, and there's no reason that feeling should be lost when working from home.

When working from home, do all the things you'd do to prepare for an office role: set your alarm, make your bed, get dressed in nice clothes, make (or go get) coffee… whatever it is that you do to get ready every day.

2. Use the 'commute' time

When working in an office, your morning commute can help you wake up and feel ready to work. At home, however, the transition from your pillow to your computer can be much more jarring. Work out the best way to get your mind in the 'work' zone.

Use extra time to spend with the family, do a yoga session, journal or dive into your to-do list as soon as you wake up. Simply getting a 'thing' started first thing in the morning can be the key to making progress on it gradually throughout the day. Otherwise, you'll prolong breakfast and let morning sluggishness wear away your motivation.

3. Have a routine

When working from home the hours can blend into each other, plus there are so many distractions – maybe you'll just water the plants, tidy up the counter, play with your pet or look in the fridge. Having a routine creates a structure so that you can stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Think about how your day is normally structured – maybe you work on a project for an hour, then check your emails, then work on another project and plan calls for the afternoon. Schedule daily meetings with your colleague to stay in touch and provide structure.

4. Talk to colleagues –stay connected

Working from home might help you focus on your work in the short term, but it can also make you feel cut off from the larger business of LGIS. Instant messaging and video conferencing tools can make it easy to check in with co-workers and remind you how your work is contributing to the big picture.

Also make sure to schedule a catch up with your colleagues once a day to provide a routine way of keeping in touch.

5. Choose a dedicated workspace

Having a dedicated workspace will help you get into a 'work', productive mental space. Just because you're not working at an office doesn't mean you can't, well, have an office. Rather than cooping yourself up in your room or on the couch -- spaces that are associated with leisure time -- dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work.

It's also important to make sure that your space is set up properly. Use the LGIS ergonomic set-up guide to help you establish your work space at home.

6. Take a break

It can be so easy to get distracted when you're working from home that you avoid breaks altogether. A great timer for breaks is to set the washing machine or dishwasher. The time it takes for a cycle is productive time and when it's finished stretch your legs. Think of the tricks that will work best for you to make sure you take regular breaks to rest your eyes and change position.

During your breaks walk away from the computer! Avoid watching YouTube or checking social media, not only is it a time sink you'll stay in the same position. Make sure you get up and stretch, take the opportunity to get outside and make sure that you eat your lunch away from your work space.

7. Plan your work

Plan your day and your week. Make sure you know what projects you're working on and prioritise what's important. At the end of each day plan what you'll do the next day. Don't spend too much time each morning planning - spending time figuring out what you'll do today can take away from actually doing those things. And, you'll have planned your task list so recently that you can be tempted to change your schedule on the fly.

It's important to let your agenda change if you need it to, but it's equally as important to commit to an agenda that outlines every assignment before you begin. Try solidifying your schedule the day before, making it feel more official when you wake up the next day to get started on it.

8. Communicate expectations with those at home

You might be working from home but still have "company." Make sure any roommates, siblings, parents, spouses, and dogs (well, maybe not dogs) respect your space during work hours. Just because you're working from home doesn't mean you're 'home'.

9. Pick a definitive finishing time each day

Working from home can provide more work-life balance, but be careful with that assumption. Working from home can also feel like being at a casino -- you can get so caught up in your activity, in a relaxing environment, that you lose complete track of time.

In lieu of co-workers, whose packing up and leaving the office reminds you to do the same, set an alarm at the end of the day to indicate your normal work day is coming to an end. You don't have to stop at exactly that time, but knowing the work day is technically over can help you start the process of saving your work and calling it quits for the evening.

LGIS Services

Getting Comfy @ Your Workstation (Not your couch)

Do you have staff working from home and in need of some ergonomic advice? No problem! Our Injury Prevention team are able to provide 1-on-1 Telehealth Ergonomic Assessments to assist your workers to get set up to the best of their ability. Appointments will be conducted via Zoom, which can be accessed on laptops and mobile devices.

If you are interested please contact our Injury Prevention team via phone or email:

Dane Casserly, 0438182548 /
James Larkin, 0419355943 /

Keeping Well @ Home

Whether your staff are now working from home or still working from the office, supporting them to keep physically and mentally well during times of change is essential. During this 1 hour online seminar we provide some tips and tricks to stay well, and an opportunity connect with others from within your organisation.

If you are interested please contact our HR Risk team via phone or email Shauna McQuade, 0428 430 394 /

Let's talk Resilience

We are needing to be resilient now more than ever! Resilience supports us to deal with and bounce back from difficult and stressful times. This 1 hour online seminar will provide staff with ways in which they can develop different aspects of resilience to promote positive wellbeing.

If you are interested please contact our HR Risk team via phone or email Shauna McQuade, 0428 430 394 /