Networks for risk and safety professionals

Join local government specialists to share knowledge and learn

LGIS facilitates two groups for local government members interested in managing risk and safety.

Members of these groups network with their peers, share their knowledge and explore best practice risk and safety management, There is no cost to LGIS members and topics of interest are chosen by the members themselves.

Risk Management Advisory Group

LGIS' Local Government Risk Management Advisory Group (RMAG) is the forum for professional development and support for risk management representatives in local government. At RMAG we discuss a wide range of risk-related topics including:

  • Local government  risk management trends
  • Incidents that have occurred
  • Risk management issues affecting members

To make sure you're in the loop on the latest local government risk issues and initiatives, get involved in RMAG. Email the RMAG coordinator Michael Sparks, Senior Risk Consultant, at for more information and event invitations.

Local Government Safety Advisory Group

LGIS' Local Government Safety Advisory Group (LGSAG) is a network of work, health and safety (WHS) professionals. It provides opportunities for development and supports WHS representatives in local government. At LGSAG we explore wide range of topics as nominated by members including:

  • LGIS information and updates
  • WorkSafe information and updates
  • Topics identified by members, often with expert guest speakers.
  • Member discussions on WHS issues that are affecting them

For more information or to get involve contact Katherin Kempin, Senior WHS Consultant at .