Cybersecurity awareness: stop skimming and start studying

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This is the first of a three-part series where we'll discuss tips to identify potentially harmful email.

​People who want to take our information are always evolving their tactics. They send effective and convincing emails that trick us into taking action without thinking.

TIP #1
Stop skimming
Start studying

We receive so many calls, emails, texts and chats that we skim information and make quick decisions – but that can lead to missing key clues that may alert us that things aren't quite right.

Accidental data exposures often result from not following normal procedures, like when we act quickly to save time. Generally, any unsolicited contact – for example, an email or call you were not expecting to receive – should be considered carefully.

Regardless of whether the contact is via phone call, email or in person, be on your guard when it triggers your emotions (e.g., fear, surprise, excitement or concern), or urges an immediate response.