Resource updated: Guide to creating a healthier workplace

Achieving a healthier workplace does not need to be complicated, expensive or time consuming. The LGIS health and wellbeing program aims to make it easy for all our members, no matter where you're at in the journey, to deliver a health and wellbeing program for your people.

We've developed a guide to help you plan and implement your workplace health program. It provides instructions and resources to develop a program that is tailored to your local government's needs and workers' interests.

The guide contains a workplace health checklist to work out what you are doing well and what requires improvement.

You can access the guide here – Guide to creating a healthier workplace

No matter the size of your local government, to get the most out of your health and wellbeing program it is important to have a plan in place. Well-designed, well-executed workplace health and wellbeing programs can reduce workers' health risks and improve productivity.

Ideally, a health and wellbeing program should support both the physical and mental health of workers and promote a healthier workplace culture and environment. It is crucial to understand why a plan needs to be in place and how can it benefit both local governments and employees at the same time. Take a look.

Benefits for having a health and wellbeing program in place

Benefits for employers:

  • Reduced workplace injuries and workers
  • Less compensation claims
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Improved staff morale
  • Reduced worker turnover
  • Helps manage ageing workforce

Benefits for workers:

  • Improved health awareness and knowledge
  • Improved physical and mental wellbeing, and resilience
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Increased work enjoyment and fulfilment
  • Improved concentration and productivity
  • Improved team relationships

The LGIS health and wellbeing program forms an important part of the LGIS Scheme's member services offerings. Scheme members receive an annual funding allocation and access to a wide range of health services through a panel of professional service providers.

For more information on the LGIS health and wellbeing program, please get in touch with WorkCare services manager, James Larkin on 0419 355 943, or email