Spring fire forecast

​Fire management is a year-round process. It's important to consider your priorities for the coming months given the expected climate conditions and the outcomes from previous weather patterns.

WA has received above average rainfall for the year to date, resulting in increased grass fuel loads and alleviated drought stress in woody vegetation. In northern WA, grasses are fully cured and some areas are experiencing below average soil moisture in the root zone.

The outlook shows below average rainfall and warmer than average temperatures for September to November. These fuel and weather conditions may result in above normal fire potential in parts of the Pilbara, Dampier, Central Kimberley and Ord Victoria Plain regions. In addition, unusually high tourist numbers in northern WA may increase ignition potential and complexity of control strategies.

In southern WA, rainfall deficiencies have eased. This, along with mostly above average root zone soil moisture levels, is expected to provide suitable conditions for planned burning. Although broad climate drivers indicate spring rainfall is likely to be below average, the preceding conditions mitigate this, and normal fire potential is expected throughout the south of the state for the September to November period.

LGIS can assist local governments fulfil their role with support and services to:

  • Prepare bushfire risk rating
  • Designate high risk bushfire areas
  • Develop bushfire risk management policy and procedures
  • Prioritise and implement bushfire risk management plans and treatment strategies

For more information please contact the LGIS risk management team on 9483 8868.